Tuesday, 28 July 2009
Great Deeds Against the Dead - OUT NOW

Saturday, 25 July 2009
Blackburn Art Market Report
Oh well. I broke even and have learned that markets in the North West (even art markets like this) aren't very good places to sell comics. Many thanks to everyone who bought a comic, I hope you liked them!
Thursday, 23 July 2009
Blackburn Art Market
Wednesday, 22 July 2009
'Great Deeds Against the Dead' Proof Copy
Tuesday, 21 July 2009
Josh Blair, Pete Borrebach & Nick Marino, Noah Van Sciver - Apartment 307

John Robbins - Inside Outsiders #42 & The Monkey-Head Complaint

Joey Alison Sayers - Just So You Know #1

Monday, 20 July 2009
David Mazzucchelli - Asterios Polyp

Sunday, 19 July 2009
Pasty Anthology Bags

Saturday, 18 July 2009
Pasty Anthology Review
First review for the Pasty Anthology is here now from Optical Sloth. Click here to read it with the pictures and I've pasted it in below... thanks Kevin!
The Pasty Anthology (edited by Rob Jackson)
A note to the American readers who have never watched any tv shows or read anything from the UK: pasties look like calzones, but with (I’m guessing here) fruits and cheeses inside. They look to be a bit much for a breakfast food, assuming that’s all they are, but what do I know? This is an anthology, with all of the stories theoretically dealing with pasties. First up is a story by Steve Butler which relates a conversation between two friends. One of them is going to get a pasty, the other has been told by his girlfriend that he has to lose some weight so goes off to get something healthier. Without giving anything away, it has an excellent ending. Next up is a piece by Francesca Cassavetti about… chewing gum. Nope, no pasties in that one. It’s still a great story, dealing with being told as a child that swallowed gum always stays in your stomach and eventually kills you. Jim Medway is next with a unique perspective, as he has a week in the life of a pasty clerk told through the faces of the recurring customers. The next piece by Dave Hughes deals with an obsessive young man, making his pasty and having everything planned out just so, only to have it all ruined by gravity. Our hero Rob Jackson has the central piece in the comic, dealing with the Greggs and their role in inventing and then improving pasties over the years. As I have no idea how much of this is historical I’m just going to leave it alone, but it’s an excellent story either way. Next is… hey, who put a text piece in here? There’s a three page story by Anthony Mercer called Devil in a Blue Tabard and, as a sucker for the hard-boiled stuff, I loved it. It’s all about a pasty shop, a missing young woman, a grimy detective and a very shiny worker. Dave Hughes has another piece next, this time dealing with a pasty festival, a pasty eating contest and the effect this contest has on the wife of one of the contestants. Finally there’s another text piece, this time by Matt Badham, dealing with the Japanese equivalent of the pasty (sort of), the natto. It took me a second after reading this to get the catch of the story, and it’s wonderful in an anthology like this, so there’s no way I’m going to ruin it. Good stuff all around, which is more than you can ask for from anthologies. I think it should also come with a free pasty so we can get an idea of exactly what they’re like, but I have no idea how that would work in the real world. No price, but I’m guessing it’s around $4.
Wednesday, 15 July 2009
Pasty Anthology Still Out
Here's the list of contributors again... Hopefully it'll get some reviews soon.
Michael Kupperman - Tales Designed to Thrizzle Issue 5

Jordan Crane - Uptight 2 & 3

Monday, 13 July 2009
Michael Kupperman - Tales Designed to Thrizzle Volume 1

Sunday, 12 July 2009
Cover for New Comic
Thursday, 9 July 2009
Strip! - Small press Sci-Fi and Fantasy
Continuing Sci-Fi comics month on the show, we have a couple of
interviews recorded at comic book conventions with small press
creators who are working in the SF and Fantasy genres. In an interview
recorded at this year's Bristol Comics Expo, Dickon Harris talks to
comic book creator and musician Dave Lander who contributes to the
anthology comic Decadence which in the last couple of instalments has
been heavily SF themed, Dave also produced a CD soundtrack to go with
recent issues. Also, Alex Fitch talks to Rob Jackson about his fantasy
comics Random Journeys and Bog Wizards which combine unreliable
narrators, humour and magical landscapes, in an interview recorded at
a pub in the East End after the UK Web & Mini Comix Thing.
5pm Thursday 09/07/09, repeated 11.30pm Sunday 12/07/09 Resonance 104.4 FM (London) / streamed at www.resonancefm.com / podcast soon after transmission at www.panelborders.wordpress.com
I haven't heard it yet so I'll have a listen when I get home tonight. I hope I don't sound too stupid. I was fairly drunk from 3 pints of Stella in rapid succession and no food all day, so that's my excuse...
It was just after the UK Web Comix Thing at Schmurgen Con.
Paul Rainey says nice things about 'The Pasty Anthology' on his news blog.
PS- Listened to the interview now. I wish I'd sounded more enthusiastic about my comics... oh well, I was a bit grumpy as I had hardly sold anything at the UK Comix Thing that day. I like my comics really...
Thursday, 2 July 2009
Pasty Anthology - OUT NOW