Friday 23 December 2011

Benjamin Marra - 'Night Business - Issue 4'

I got the new issue of 'Night Business' a couple of days ago. Another great issue. This time we see the crazed mayor of the city and there's a fancy double spread of 1980's sex as Johnny and the Rider get together. I hope other people in the UK are buying these too. It's got another great author photo and bio as well.

Thursday 22 December 2011

Bryan Talbot - 'Grandville' & 'Grandville Mon Amour'

I enjoyed Bryan Talbot's two Grandville books that I read last week. My brother got them out from the library and he liked them too. They are good adventure stories, nice and exciting, and don't take themselves too seriously. Another good find in the library, but I'm running out of comics to get out from there, which is a shame. I hope they get some more books in next year if they still have any money. I've hardly bought any books this year so the library has been really good.

Tuesday 20 December 2011

A Little Bit of my Second Ice Cream Comic

I'm up to page ten of my second ice cream comic now. Here's a very basic panel from it before I rub out the pencils and add the grey bits. It's going to be twenty four pages long, same as part one.

Monday 19 December 2011


Brrr. On mornings like this it is hard to get out of the house and go and sell things on a market outside all day. Luckily the weather went a lot more sunny later on, even though it was still very cold, and I had a really good day. That's the last of my markets this year so now I can have a break for Christmas. I'll try and get some drawing done too.

Monday 12 December 2011

Ice Cream Comic News

I'm drawing the markets from last January at the moment for my second ice cream comic. It's not a lot of fun as they were very quiet markets where it constantly rained. I hope this January is a bit better.

Sunday 4 December 2011

'Christmas Pudding Ice Cream' Recipe

As it's December now, here's my christmas pudding ice cream recipe, from my second ice cream comic.

Friday 2 December 2011

Comical Animal Issue 6

Comical Animal Issue 6 is out today. Why not have a look? I did a drawing for it of 'British Animals in their Winter Coats'.