Here's a row of panels from page thirty one.
And here's a long panel from page thirty four.
I'm just starting page thirty five today.
Monday 26 March 2012
Saturday 24 March 2012
Naoki Urasawa - 20th Century Boys Volume 19
I wonder who else is still reading this series. I still like it a lot. It's good now you can tell it's finally reaching the end so the excitement level has gone up again. The twists feel like they will be the last twists now, and that they might actually be the truth of what happened. There's only two or so more books left in the series, though I just found out there might be a couple of 21st Century Boys books after that...
I am looking forward to the last one then I can re-read the whole thing all the way through next time I'm feeling rough and hungover and just want to spend the whole day reading in bed.
I am looking forward to the last one then I can re-read the whole thing all the way through next time I'm feeling rough and hungover and just want to spend the whole day reading in bed.
Monday 19 March 2012
Monday 12 March 2012
Little Bit of Page Twenty Four of 'Jackson Family Stories'
Monday 5 March 2012
Friday 2 March 2012
Comical Animal Issue 7
The new Comical Animal is out today. I did a story for it about a cat getting a job. The cat is called Fernando. Here's a link to it.
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