Sunday 30 June 2024

The Purple Feather - Page Two

 Here's page two of my comic in progress, 'The Purple Feather'. I'll just put up rows of panels from the comic after this update. 

Wednesday 26 June 2024

'The Purple Feather' Page One

 Here's the first page of a new comic I've just started drawing, 'The Purple Feather'. 

I am waiting on 'Like and Subscribe' coming back from the printers but as soon as it does I'll get it on sale here. 

Wednesday 19 June 2024

Failed Archbishop Story

 Here's a story I had started drawing this week but now I've given up on it. It's too similar to lots of my other comics and the drawing is boring me already. I'll keep thinking till I think of a new story. Click on the images to see them larger.

Wednesday 12 June 2024

'Like & Subscribe' Proof Copy

 I got the proof copy for 'Like And Subscribe' back from the printers this morning. Everything looks great so now its on to the printing. Shouldn't be long now till its on sale. 

Monday 10 June 2024

Holiday in Regensburg

 We took my Dad for a weeks holiday in Regensburg in Bavaria. When we arrived there were sudden thunderstorms causing bad floods on the Danube, with a dam busting and the rail lines being covered. It was hard to get there on the train, but we made it in the end. For the first few days we couldn't travel around but the floods started to go down after that. Regensburg was a very nice place, and we also had days out on the bus to Walhalla and Wolfesgg Castle and on the train to Landshut. Here's some photos. Back to the drawing now in a couple of days.