Friday 26 August 2016

Short Story

I've been drawing a six page short story, here's a few panels from it. As you can see it's all in colour. I've sent it off to an anthology. I like it, the colour has come out how I wanted.

Thursday 18 August 2016

Optical Sloth Anniversary

It's the 15th Anniversary of Optical Sloth this month! He's doing a retrospective of cartoonists who've been going for all those fifteen years (or so). I get a mention today in his list. I've sent him a couple of my new comics so hopefully I'll get a couple of reviews. I haven't sent many for a while due to the high price of postage to the US. He's done a lot of reviews of my comics over the years.

Tuesday 16 August 2016

'Ragnar' Sketches

I've been drawing these little Ragnar sketches on the lids from the foil trays I make cheese and potato bakes in. I am happy to find a use for the lids, there are hundreds piled up in my cupboard. I will give them away with copies of 'Ragnar the Cheesemonger'. It's on sale at my website.

Sunday 7 August 2016

'RhiZome 4' Interviews

Kyle Baddeley-Read is interviewing all the artists from 'RhiZome 4' and putting the interviews up on the RhiZome tumblr. Here's the first one, with Desmond Reed.

'RhiZome 4' is on sale at my website.

Friday 5 August 2016

Cover Artwork for 'Flying Sausage Academy 4'

Here's the cover artwork for 'Flying Sausage Academy 4'. It's all finished now. I'm going to bring it out in the Autumn. This finishes the series. Now I can start a new story, I don't know what it will be yet...

Wednesday 3 August 2016

'Clap Clap Clap Clap'

Here's the last row of panels I'm going to put up from 'Flying Sausage Academy 4'.

Monday 1 August 2016

'I Wonder Who It Was Who Knocked Me Out'

Another row of panels from 'Flying Sausage Academy 4'.