Sunday 30 April 2023

Comicsy Sale Over

 My Comicsy Closing Down Sale is now over so I have deleted my Comicsy shop. Thanks everyone, the sale went really well! I've tried lots of sales before, but this was easily the best.

Don't worry though, all my comics are still on sale at my little shop on the blog here.

Thursday 27 April 2023

Crowthorn 4

 Here's a page of drawings from my Crowthorn comic in progress.

Monday 24 April 2023

Crowthorn 3

 Here's another couple of drawings of Crowthorn from my new comic in progress. Trying to draw a couple of sheep. I'm about two thirds of the way through drawing this now, but once that is done I'll have to do a lot of research and then try and do the writing to go with it.

Thursday 20 April 2023

Crowthorn 2

 Here's another couple of drawings from my new Crowthorn project.

Monday 17 April 2023

Crowthorn Comic

 I've started drawing a new comic. It's a bit like the Croal ones, but its set in the village of Crowthorn, which was built by orphans. I'm going to draw it all and then do a big load of research. I took a lot of photos to work from when we went for a walk there on a nice sunny spring day. Here's the first page. 

If you are wondering where all my other comics are, I am a bit skint at the moment, but hopefully I'll send the Medieval one to print in May...

Monday 3 April 2023

Big Comicsy Closing Down Sale

 Comicsy (where I have sold lots of comics) is closing down in the Summer so I'm going to have a big closing down sale on my older comics. Why not have a look? UK only with the free postage... some of them are really good deals so why not take a chance on one of the older books, thanks!

I'm going to run this sale for all April and then delete everything. Thanks to Comicsy for lasting for a long time and selling lots of my comics over the years.