Wednesday 24 February 2016

Viking Stand Off

More panels from 'Ragnar the Cheesemonger'.

Monday 22 February 2016

Viking Boat

Here's another viking boat from 'Ragnar the Cheesemonger'. I'm on page twenty one now. I'm going to draw the whole thing and bring it out as a single issue comic.

Tuesday 9 February 2016

'Flying Sausage Academy 2' Now on Sale

My new comic 'Flying Sausage Academy 2' is now on sale on the shop page at  my website  and at my Comicsy site. Its A5 sized, 24 black and white pages with colour covers and priced at £3 with free postage in the UK (overseas buyers please add £2 to your order with the add postage button on my website).

It carries on the story from 'Flying Sausage Academy 1'. Part three will be out in a month's time.

Cave Aged Cheeses

Panels from page twelve of my new story.

Monday 8 February 2016

'Bang! Bang!'

Here's another panel from my new vikings comic. I'm on page eleven now.

Tuesday 2 February 2016

'Hey Ragnar'

Here's a row of panels from my new comic. It's set in Viking times. I am up to page eight now.

Monday 1 February 2016

Back Cover for 'RhiZome 4'

Here's a back cover I drew for 'RhiZome 4'. There's the king of space and his assistant Derek (they are not inside the comic). It's Kyle's turn to do the front cover this time.