Monday, 28 December 2009
Sunday, 27 December 2009
First World War Era Cartoons by James Calvert

Wednesday, 23 December 2009
'Great Deeds Against the Dead 2' Review
Here's the first review of 'Great Deeds Against the Dead 2' from Optical Sloth.
Saturday, 19 December 2009
The Ballad of Hatty Jack
Wednesday, 16 December 2009
Best of The Year
Here's a link to my list of my three favourite books of the year, from the Forbidden Planet Blog.
Monday, 14 December 2009
Sunday, 13 December 2009
Tuesday, 8 December 2009
Brooklyn Comics and Graphic Arts Festival

Monday, 7 December 2009
TCAF Toronto 2010
Bloody hell I've been accepted for the Toronto Comics Festival! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! I am very happy.
Gin Palace Anthology

Friday, 4 December 2009
Great Deeds Against the Dead - PART TWO - OUT NOW

Wednesday, 2 December 2009
Random Nonsense
Monday, 30 November 2009
Sfar, Trondheim, Blain - Dungeon - The Early Years Volume 2 Innocence Lost

Thought Bubble Haul
I didn't buy many comics at Thought Bubble but I really enjoyed these two-

Joe List's 'Freak Leap' which is very funny, and you can tell he has spent ages working on it to get the images just right, and Philippa Rice's 'Futuristic Dwellings' which consists of many super detailed pages of futuristic homes. It's very cool.

Joe List's 'Freak Leap' which is very funny, and you can tell he has spent ages working on it to get the images just right, and Philippa Rice's 'Futuristic Dwellings' which consists of many super detailed pages of futuristic homes. It's very cool.
Sunday, 29 November 2009
'Gin Palace' Cover
Friday, 27 November 2009
Anthology News
After lengthy consultations I have decided that the anthology will be called ‘Gin Palace’. It still has no theme and will be black and white with colour covers. I have been drawing the fancy cover all week, it is very fine arty (pretentious moi?) and Victorian looking. I’ll put it on here once it’s done.
Ha ha I have quit my job. I am leaving on New Years Eve. Don’t worry, I’m not trying to make a living from comics but instead am starting up a small travelling food business to sell food on markets. Sounds a nice change to me. In the summer I will make ice cream and in winter I will be cold in a field making curry.
I should have way more time to make comics properly so expect many more comics from me next year. Or maybe the same number but better drawn…
I should have way more time to make comics properly so expect many more comics from me next year. Or maybe the same number but better drawn…
Monday, 23 November 2009
Leeds Thought Bubble Report 2009
Yay had a very good time at Leeds Thought Bubble 2009. I was sharing the table with Dave Hughes and also sub-let a little bit of it to MD Penman for his Greasy Joe comics. I got the train there in the morning so it was a very long day, up at 6. Sales started well until 1 but then there was a big gap when I started to get a bit worried. But then some heroic fellow came about 4pm or so and bought a pile of comics cheering me up greatly, thank you! I was pleased as I had covered table costs. Sales were a bit less than last year but still best sales of the year. There was a lot of great stuff on people's stalls, I bought a few comics which I will mention on here once I've read them.
The after show party was a good laugh and I even had a dance at the comics disco which had some very good tunes. I was suffering a bit at first afterwards with crazy staring con eyes but the magic powers of beer relaxed my eyes and they gradually returned to normal. I was very rough on Sunday as I slowly got the train home via an odd and unexpected route.
Thanks to everyone who bought my comics!
NEWS- Ant Mercer is doing a work themed anthology, here's a link to it if you fancy submitting some stuff.... sounds cool. The Brave Brave Idiots
Tuesday, 17 November 2009
Johnny Ryan – Prison Pit Volume 1

Thursday, 12 November 2009
Thought Bubble 2009 Getting Very Near!

Wednesday, 11 November 2009
Great Deeds Against the Dead - Part Two Finally Finished
Hurray! It's finally finished. It took me ages and ages and ages to clean up all the pages but now I have burnt them to a disc so they are off to the printers tomorrow. Too late for Thought Bubble of course but they should be on sale after the end of this month...
Tuesday, 10 November 2009
Jiro Taniguchi – A Distant Neighbourhood – Books 1 & 2

It’s a time travel / body swop story were the middle aged hero gets drunk at his mothers grave and suddenly finds himself back in his 14 year old body in the past. Once he gets over his confusion a bit, he likes being young again, having loads of energy and life. Also with his adult memories he finds all the classes easy, which is very different from when he was young and they were a hard slog. He starts changing all the things that happened when he was young, now he is dating the most beautiful girl in the class who he didn’t dare approach as a child…
Then he remembers that his dad left them without saying a word at the end of the summer holidays when he was fourteen and tries to find out why he left, and stop him if he can.
I liked these books a lot more than ‘The Ice Wanderer’ which I read last year but my favourite Taniguchi is still ‘The Walking Man’ so read that first if you are only going to get one of his books to try.
Friday, 6 November 2009
Benjamin Marra - Night Business - Issues 1 & 2

The story is set in ‘the city’ at night in 1983. Johnny and Steve are running an agency ‘Glitz Glam’ which looks after exotic dancers. A crazy masked murderer has killed one of their girls in a frenzied knife attack and now they are after him. Johnny gets one of the girls to act as bait to draw out the murderer. The city is very sleazy, full of pimps and strip clubs. Benjamin Marra is a very funny man, the authors descriptions on the back pages of the comics made me laugh out loud. Highly recommended, go and order it from his website.
Tuesday, 3 November 2009
Great Deeds Against the Dead - Part Two First page with Greys
Monday, 2 November 2009
Reinhard Kleist - Johnny Cash: I See a Darkness

John Porcellino - Map of My Heart

The six years were very crazy for John, he gets marries and moves house, then he gets very sick, moves house, gets divorced, moves house again, and finally falls in love again at the end of the book. Some of it is very sad and there are some beautiful poem comics. I really like his drawing, it’s just right for what he wants to do. It made me want to draw, which is always a great sign. Also it made me want to wander round looking at things and exploring. I’d read a few of the later ones before when they came out but it’s still worth getting them as the book too. It adds lots of context, and you get John’s notes on what was going on at the time too.
Saturday, 31 October 2009
Wednesday, 28 October 2009
'Great Deeds Against the Dead 2' nearly finished
Friday, 23 October 2009
New Anthology
Hello... i'm thinking of doing a new anthology, I think it'll come out twice yearly (in time for the UK Web Comix thing and Leeds...) anybody interested? I'm thinking no theme this time just good stuff. I'll have some time on my hands next year so may as well have a go at doing it more reguarly and see how it goes.
Can anyone think of an awesome name for a new anthology? Free copies of it for life is the prize. I'll have a think myself too, but names not my strong point.
Can anyone think of an awesome name for a new anthology? Free copies of it for life is the prize. I'll have a think myself too, but names not my strong point.
Monday, 19 October 2009
Good News
Hurray! I have written the ending for 'Great Deeds 2'. Now I just have to draw the last 5 pages, then clean them all up, add the grey tones, scan them and get them printed. It's not going to be for Leeds, instead I'll bring it out in December. I've still never took 'The Pasty Anthology' or 'Great Deeds 1' to a convention myself so I want to try selling them instead of rushing this new comic out. I'll fix up some mistakes too and do a proper job.
It's a relief to get the ending in right as I didn't know how it was going to go, only in a vague sense, and it's a bit of a risky way to draw comics. It stops me getting bored though. I hope it's not how everyone was expecting it to end....
I can't show any as it will give the story away but I should have the cover to show in a week or two...
It's a relief to get the ending in right as I didn't know how it was going to go, only in a vague sense, and it's a bit of a risky way to draw comics. It stops me getting bored though. I hope it's not how everyone was expecting it to end....
I can't show any as it will give the story away but I should have the cover to show in a week or two...
Sunday, 18 October 2009
Ted May - Injury 3

Yay! Another awesome issue of Ted May's Injury Comics. My favourite story is once again the story from Jeff Wilson's heavy metal school days written by Jeff Wilson and drawn by Ted May. This one is called 'Burnout in the Cosmos', there's a cool page from it above. Jeff has trouble thinking of three things he is thankful for after he is placed in In School Suspension for fighting. The other stories are great too. Ted chucked a copy of the Simpsons Halloween Special (review here from CBR) in with the comic as he wrote and coloured a story for it, it's very good too. Buy Injury here...

Friday, 16 October 2009
Cool Interview with Benjamin Marra
I liked this interview with Benjamin Marra who does 'Night Business'. I'll have to get me some of those...
"indie comics don't always have to be indulgent, pitying, self-analyses of despair, sadness and self-importance. There's a broader spectrum of emotions and story ideas out there I'm trying to explore in comics, like, lust, rage, revenge, violence, street justice, drug abuse, nudity and sexiness."
Link found on the excellent Comics Comics website.
"indie comics don't always have to be indulgent, pitying, self-analyses of despair, sadness and self-importance. There's a broader spectrum of emotions and story ideas out there I'm trying to explore in comics, like, lust, rage, revenge, violence, street justice, drug abuse, nudity and sexiness."
Link found on the excellent Comics Comics website.
Tardi & Manchette - West Coast Blues

It’s very French, and very seventies too in the drawing style… I think it’s because of the rounded cloud like speech bubbles. It reminded me a bit of the Coen Brothers in the story, something like Fargo. I think it’s the ordinary people getting caught up with violent murderers theme. The violence in it is very sudden and brutal but very cartoony. It takes you by surprise when it suddenly breaks out. He draws lovely lumpy people that I really like and great scenery. There are some very funny bits, especially the scene when the hero is explaining to a woman he’s just met what has happened to him.
The only thing I didn’t like about it too much was the way all the people’s and brands names were in capitals throughout the story. I’m sure they were like that in the original French version but I wasn’t sure why. It just bothered me for some reason while I was reading it as it pulled you right out of the story. I suspect it was done to make the story seem more cold and distant, more like reporting on the facts afterwards. It was an interesting effect anyhow.
I’d like to try some more Tardi, maybe his ‘Adele Blanc-Sec’ series as I like the look of the heroine. I’ll get some next time I’m in France.
Thursday, 15 October 2009
Oliver East - Proper Go Well High

Oliver spends a lot of time trying to draw things in new ways, such as wind and rain. I really like the way he draws wind in this book, as little spirally things. There are some very beautiful pages in here, especially the buildings in Manchester near the start and the pages where he draws paths going round buildings on otherwise white pages. Those are really good. Some of the pages are really hard to decipher as to what they are, it makes you slow down when you are reading it so it lasts a good while. There were a few I couldn’t work out at all but not very many.
I’m looking forward to his next book which is set in Berlin. I’ve never been there so there won’t be any of the pleasure of recognising things I get from his other stuff but I really like his idea of getting other artists to draw the graffiti on the pages, so that should be cool.
Wednesday, 14 October 2009
Sfar, Trondheim, Boulet - Dungeon - Zenith 3 - Back in Style

Boulet is doing the art for this book, I hadn’t heard of him before. It’s really great drawing as to be expected, it took me a little while to get used to the different way he draws the characters. The faces are all quite different. The violence level seems to have gone up a bit in this book with loads of fights and brutal deaths of the many hordes of enemies, also loads of lawyers have appeared! Brrrrrr.
In this book the Keeper has to take out a massive loan to pay for his wedding to Princess Isis. Herbert the duck runs off with her and everyone chases after. The Keeper defaults on his loan and everyone is kicked out of the dungeon which becomes the property of the scheming Delacourt (previous owner of Herbert’s magic sword). Hmm, this is sounding very confusing but it’s a really complicated plot. In the second half Herbert has to return to his home city of birds, which he is banished from on pain of beheading. He goes under a magical disguise which gives him ‘The Face of Death’.
I still really like Dungeon. It is very very enjoyable and fun to read.
Monday, 12 October 2009
Naoki Urasawa - Pluto Volume 4

Thursday, 8 October 2009
Great Deeds Part 2 News
Monday, 5 October 2009
Tisdale Carnegie

Maybe I'll use it for the back cover of 'Great Deeds 2'.
Sunday, 4 October 2009
'Great Deeds Against the Dead' Free Online Preview
Monday, 28 September 2009
BICS (Birmingham International Comics Show)
I'm not going to Birmingham myself this year but my comics will be on sale at the MCC table. Look at the nice preview poster Adam Cadwell has made... there's some very nice comics there. I've sent some of the 'Pasty Anthology' and some 'Great Deeds Against the Dead'. Thanks MCC!

Great Deeds Against The Dead Review
Richard Bruton has written a nice review of 'Great Deeds Against the Dead 1' on the Forbidden Planet blog today.
Saturday, 26 September 2009
Winshluss - Pinocchio

Above there's the cover, an amazing page of Pinocchio fighting the army, and the seven very peverted dwarves waking up Snow White. It's all a bit wrong. It has Jimminy Cricket in it too as a drunken writer who lives in Pinocchio's metal head. It's mostly wordless so a great buy in French.
In this version Pinocchio is created by a scientist to be a killing machine for the army but he wanders off and has adventures through a very twisted fairy tale world. Very highly recommended, the drawing is amazing and he uses many different styles for the different segments of the story, from Disney-esque, french underground, childrens illustration, autobiographical style comics and lots of other stuff.
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