Here's a a couple more dragons I drew. Still between comics, and doing a bit of cleaning pages for the dragons comic.
Thursday 28 September 2023
Fishwicks and The Ribble Walk
Yesterday we went for a nice long walk before the rain and wind got too bad. We went to Walton Bridge and walked round Fishwicks and then up the Ribble and back again. The first half was very nice but then the footpath back down the river was closed or missing, and we had to walk along the road for a few miles, which was annoying.Still a good walk.
Monday 25 September 2023
I'm between comics at the moment, I have scanned the dragons comic and started cleaning it up, but that will take a long time as it is so boring. Here's some dragons I drew for the comic.
Monday 4 September 2023
'Crowthorn' Comic Now on Sale
My latest comic 'Crowthorn' is back from the printers today and is now on sale. It's a 36 page A5 black and white comic. This comic tells the story of Crowthorn, a small village near my house that was built by orphans in Victorian times. It's more history based than my Croal comics. I went for a walk round the village as it is now, and drew most of the buildings and views.
It is priced at £4.50 with free postage in the UK. If you live abroad please buy it in my shop on the blog here, and click the overseas postage button right at the top of the page. Thanks!
Here's the cover and the first couple of pages.
Front Cover For My 'A Dragon So Stupid Looking' Comic
Here's the front cover for my dragons comic. It's called 'A Dragon So Stupid Looking'. It still needs some more work on it, once I get some new black ink for my brush pen.
My 'Crowthorn' comic is on it's way in delivery, it's in Ramsbottom at the moment so it might come today, or tomorrow. I'll put it on sale once it turns up.