Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Little Interview

Here's a little interview with me on the Rotherham Zine Library website.

Monday, 27 February 2012

More Bits from 'Jackson Family Stories'

Here's a row of panels from page 12 of my new comic.

And here's a row from page 15. I've finished the first sixteen pages now.

Monday, 20 February 2012

Little Bit of Page Nine of 'Jackson Family Stories'

It's gone a bit Sharpe-esque on page nine of my new comic. But it won't carry on in that way.

Friday, 17 February 2012

No. 26

'The Gods Must be Bastards' made it onto Rob Clough's Top 30 Minicomics of last year at The Comics Journal. It's a very good list. I really want that 'Thickness' which is at no. 1

And here's a new review of 'It's a Man's Life in the Ice Cream Business 2' from Optical Sloth.

Thursday, 16 February 2012

Train at Station

Here's a couple more panels from my 'Jackson Family Stories' showing Bolton Station. I've finished the first chapter of this now which is eight pages long and will start the next one on Monday.

I've had to put comment moderation on this blog due to getting loads of spam. Please still comment if you are real and I'll check it regularly.

Sunday, 12 February 2012

Another Ship

Here's another ship from page 7 of my new comic. I think this comic is going to be really long.

Thursday, 9 February 2012

Ship in the Dark

A ship sailing in the night from page 5 of my 'Jackson Family Stories' comic. I'm on the next page today.

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Review of 'Its a Man's Life in the Ice Cream Business 2'

Here's a very nice little review from Rol Hirst of 'Its a Man's Life in the Ice Cream Business 2' Thanks Rol!

Sunday, 5 February 2012

Horse Pulling a Cart

Here's a horse pulling a cart from page four of my 'Jackson Family Stories'. I'm going to have to draw loads of horses and ponies for this story. Also a pig, a big hairy dog and a monkey.

Friday, 3 February 2012

Page One of 'Jackson Family Stories'

Here's the whole first page of my new comic. As you can see I have gone for only three columns of panels for a change instead of four. The page isn't really blue, thats from my camera.

Thursday, 2 February 2012

First Panel of Family Stories Comic

I've done the first page of my new comic now. It's all very grey, but it is a funeral on a miserable day.