Wednesday, 21 April 2010

Paul Rainey - There's No TIme Like The Present 12

I read the new There's No Time Like The Present last night, it's the penultimate episode! Go and buy it from Paul Rainey here.

It's a great comic, can't say much about it without giving away lots of spoilers but we get to see the future and learn more about the ultranet and what's going on... I am well looking forward to the final episode and then reading the whole lot in one go.


  1. That is exactly what I am looking forward to doing, too: right from the beginning to the end. I think I'm going to wait until Bristol Expo to pick up this issue, though...

  2. Fair enough, then you can buy it off him in person and have a chat. Once I get part 13 I'm going to read them all before I start it so I don't spoil it.
