Monday, 19 October 2009

Good News

Hurray! I have written the ending for 'Great Deeds 2'. Now I just have to draw the last 5 pages, then clean them all up, add the grey tones, scan them and get them printed. It's not going to be for Leeds, instead I'll bring it out in December. I've still never took 'The Pasty Anthology' or 'Great Deeds 1' to a convention myself so I want to try selling them instead of rushing this new comic out. I'll fix up some mistakes too and do a proper job.

It's a relief to get the ending in right as I didn't know how it was going to go, only in a vague sense, and it's a bit of a risky way to draw comics. It stops me getting bored though. I hope it's not how everyone was expecting it to end....

I can't show any as it will give the story away but I should have the cover to show in a week or two...


  1. OOh I 'm looking forward to that! It'll be good to see you at Leeds even if I won't get to find out the ending... Something to put on my Xmas list instead.

  2. Yes Leeds should be cool, I'll have to buy that B.A.S.T.A.R.D.S off you there. I wish I'd noticed that Comiket event a bit earlier cos I might have gone to that. Too late to get cheap train tickets now. I am very unobservant seeing as I go on the internet everyday...
